Register for Verified by Visa if you use a Vpay or Visa card. Keep user names and passwords secret.
Use the latest version of your browser's software and check to be sure your computer's operating system software is up to date.
Use only secure Internet browsers that allow secure transmission of data. Identify security clues such as the 'closed lock' icon at the bottom of the browser or a URL that begins with https://. These signs indicate that only you and the merchant can view payment information.
Only give card details when you initiate a purchase.
Keep a record of transactions and review monthly statements thoroughly.
Before making a purchase, check the site’s delivery and return policies to ensure that items can be returned if they are not in satisfactory condition.
Never respond to an e-mail request for personal or account information, even if it appears to be from a trusted source.
Get in touch with us
LET'S HAVE A CHAT OR SEND US AN EMAIL HERE Head office at 14/15 Prince Alaba Abiodun, Oniru Road, Victoria Island, Lagos Nigeria
You can also call us on: 0700CallAccess (07002255222377), +234 0201- 2712005-7, +234 0201-2802500